Accessible STEMM Introduction

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The Accessible STEMM baseline addresses accessibility of educational content specifically with respect to the STEMM disciplines. We use the acronym science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and medicine (STEMM), acknowledging that the issues affect a broader community than this. We also raise the issue of accessible coding, which is not as frequently addressed as other, better understood issues.

The topics covered in these guides are specific to STEMM and we set out the standard where possible with links to help in meeting it.

This proposal is the product of a small group with interests in technology, accessibility, inclusivity, and pedagogy. We welcome comment, criticism, and hope that the wider community will contribute to further development. The proposal has been developed following focus groups with blind and partially sighted current and former STEMM students hosted by the Thomas Pocklington Trust.


Specific guidance for readers


This document is offered to students to


This document is intended to set a simple standard for embedding basic accessibility priorities in STEMM content.

The document can help you understand what you should do to enable inclusive learning and gives links as to how you can do it.

There are also some general considerations that apply:

The issues and remedies identified apply across sectors and not just to universities. An institution wide approach is needed since consistency helps support accessibility.

In general, it cannot be the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that they can access materials.

Consider issues that may arise in assessment or examination situations. For example, ensure that students using large print formats have adequate space.

We assume that creators of content will already be aware of general issues in accessibility in education and that there is a commitment to the POUR (Perceivable, Operable, Understandable and Robust) framework that underpins the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Supporting STEMM Learning Content

The guidance is designed for anyone creating STEMM content that contains technical data, code, or language. Links are contained within each of the baseline topics for more in-depth instruction.

Content, materials, and practices should be:

We add a STEMM focus: All users can access and interact with STEMM content where necessary using assistive technologies.

Sample guidance for non-STEMM content in general can be found in a number of places, for example on UCL’s accessibility website.

The following topics are specific to STEMM, and we set out the standard where possible with links to help in meeting it.


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